This Is Without Doubt The Sexiest Video Ever! :P :P :P

Just want to inform others Facebook-ers, please don't open any links that shown like screenshot above. It is actually some kind of malware/virus/some-stupid-apps that will steal your information. Then it will access your friendlist and separate their stupid-link to your friends. Just beware.

Solution if you're infected

01. Open this link :!/editapps.php?ref=mb with your account logged in.
02. Click on the [x] button for the application named ‘Winamp’.

03. After that you should see this pop-up :

04. DONE! Anything that you didnt understand, can ask me. I will help you all. ^^

Please separate this to all of your friend that infected..thanks! ^^

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Saturday, 15 May 2010 0 comments

Greatest Human Bicycle Kick

A bicycle kick (also known as a chalaca, chilena, bicicleta, or overhead kick, in South Africa is a popular 'mokanangwana' or 'scisors kick') is a move in association football, which is made by throwing the body up into the air, making a shearing movement with the legs to get one leg high overhead to reach the ball (in original head height), which gets kicked backward over the player's head. It is said to have been developed by Brazilian player LĂȘonidas da Silva. Dunno who is this LĂȘonidas da Silva? Try ask ur friend...GOOGLE

In last Sunday's (sorry a little bit late..i now in exam mode) Argentina Primera Division match between Gimnasia La Plata and Boca Juniors, something happened that probably hasn't happened before and we probably won't see again. After the ball deflected off a Boca defender, Gimnasia's Sebastian Romero and Marco Perez (who are they? anyone of you know this player?) both executed bicycle kicks at the same time to score a goal. Trying to figure the odds on both players executing overhead kicks in unison to put the ball in the back of the net is enough to make your head hurt, especially considering Perez had to scramble to his feet in order to get there. Their kick style  reminds me Captain Tsubasa's special twin shot along Taro Misaki. Again..GOOGLE it if you dunno.

 Human Bicycle Kick  Free Tutorial By ME!

After you all watching the video clip, i'm sure that you all also want to do the same kick right? Let me as the professional player teach you.. XD
  1. Keep your back to the target and your eyes on the ball.
  2. Bring the knee of your non-kicking leg toward your chest followed immediately with the same motion of your kicking leg. The movement of your legs will appear as if you're pedaling a bicycle backwards.

  3. Extend your kicking leg to meet the ball while you're airborne and falling backwards.

  4. Pedaling down with your non-kicking leg, kick through the ball.

  5. Pull your toes back so your ankle makes a right angle as you connect with the ball.

  6. Extend both arms and your palms facing the ground behind you to brace yourself.

  7. Watch the knee of your kicking leg until you're on the ground to insure that you don't hit your head.

BTW, why this kick style named Bicycle Kick? LĂȘonidas da Silva got bicycle shop or what? I think it is should named human kick because human kick the ball, not bicycle..haha

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Saturday, 24 April 2010 0 comments

 Borneo! Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia

For information, Borneo is a part of Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. It covers 220,000 square kilometers on South East Asian island. Approximately 73% of the island is Indonesian territory; the Indonesian name for the island, Kalimantan, is used in English to refer to the Indonesian-controlled territory. The Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah  (East Malaysia), in the north, occupy about 26% of the island. The sovereign state of Brunei, located on the north coast, comprises about 1% of Borneo's land mass. Borneo's highest point is Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia, with an elevation of 4,095 m (13,435 ft) above sea level. (So it proven that Malaysia got greatest mountain than Indonesia...haha) There are many things that we didn't know about Boerneo's forest.

New Discover Of Borneo!

Lately got some expedition from WWF that named Heart of Borneo (HOB). It is actually Conservation Program that inspired by Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia to protecting the future of nature. There are some new 'treasure' that WWF got from Heart of Borneo program. Here it is:

Long-Tailed Slug
Looks yummy? haha. 
This 'weirdo snail+leech' founded at Kinabalu Mountain.

Color Changing Flying Frog
Can fly and change color? cool. 
I'm sure this type of frog will famous later, maybe through its movie Frogman.

Flame Colored Snake
Nice coloration there, bright orange+vivid blue+gree+brown.
But if this snake not poisonous, maybe we can assume this is Poser Snake! haha

 Reddish-Brown Ant
Looks cool with body pattern, and the hair summore.

'Half-Zebra' Striped Fish
How come fish can mate with zebra? One more 'weirdo animal' in the expedition.

I still wonder why WWF need to announce all of this? Didn't they know all of this rare animal will extinct one day if people interested because of its 'exoticness'? sigh~

  • Scientists find 123 new species in three years in Borneo
  • Discoveries have increased since goverments signed conservation pact in 2007
  • New species include color-changing frog, long-tailed slug, longest stick insect
  • Heart of Borneo covers 220,000 square kilometers on South East Asian island

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Thursday, 22 April 2010 2 comments

Grunge Icons For Your Website/Blog

Social network focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Although online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.

Here is some Social Network Icons that i found from this site: This social network icons looks interesting because of the 'grunge effect' that applied to the icons.


Posted by xtreme_paranoid 0 comments

Final Exam Universiti Malaysia Pahang!

Sekarang nih penduduk-penduduk UMP semua di dalam Gelombang Peperiksaan termasuklah aku. Semester nih aku kene ambik 5 paper, agak banyak laa untuk student yang kurang rajin macam aku nih. Mase aku post entry nih, tinggal lagi 3 paper untuk aku happy selama 2 bulan sebelom semester baru. Paper yang aku dah ambik..TITAS dengan Database System. Paper yang aku belom ambik plak, System Analysis Design, Operating System dengan Data Structure Design. Mase exam nih, student universiti memang akan terlebih kreatif. Series! x tipu...

Aktiviti Meniru? Standardization
Skill meniru budak-budak universiti nih memang agak advance, maklum laa dah kat menara gading kan? Puncak je belom sampai lagi.

Portable Slaidshow

Kebanyakan medium yang lecturer pakai, menggunakan Power Point Slaidshow. Jadi memang kebiasaan awal2 semester setiap student akan cuba untuk mendapatkan softcopy untuk diri masing2. Mane2 student yang agak rejin, akan print slaidshow nih untuk buat reference. Tapi untuk mane2 student yang 'kurang rajin', memang tak akan print langsung. Softcopy nih hanya digunakan untuk Openbook Test/Hand On Test aje. Menjelang peperiksaan, slaidshow nih mmg amat penting untuk aktiviti meniru. Mane2 yang ade HP mahal, slaidshow nih mmg secara automatik akan di-upload dalam HP. Mane2 yang hati kering, tgk je sorok2 bawah meja. Tapi yang NOOB dan penakot, konon2 nak pergi kencing..pastu tengok kat dlm toilet. sigh~


Term nih berasal dari perkataan Yunani iaitu 'Anatomia' dan perkataan Inggeris 'Cheat'. Cara meniru nih pon agak besh, student gune semua anatomi yang dirasakan agak sesuai untuk menyalin nota2 penting. Antara part2 yang agak popular ialah tangan, buku lali, lengan, perot dan juga dada. Nii berdasarkan pengalaman sebenar aku sbg seorang lelaki, yang pompuan aku x tau sbb aku bukan pompuan. lol. Bile student rase keadaan selamat, mereka akan mula berlakon konon2 gatal. Mane yang dah memang pro tuh, lakonan mereka amat hebat..macam ade kurap berair laa. Pengawas peperiksa nak dtg dekat pon kadang2 boleh takot woo..


Nih memang popular sejak azali lagi..kalau tak percaye boleh tanye ayah/mak korang. Nota-nota kecik akan dibuat oleh student yang kreatif nih, pastu sorok kat dalam dompet ataupon poket. Bile keadaan mengizinkan, toyol nih akan muncul untuk membantu 'ownernye'. Aku pon tak tau laa asal digelar toyol, nak kate kaler hijau..aku tengok macam2 kaler ade (Putih, Kuning, Pink, Merah). Nak kate boleh hilang/invisible..ade gak student yang kantoi. ntah laa..

Multi-Purpose Labeling

Method nih aku blom jumpe lagi kat Universiti Malaysia Pahang nih, mungkin sebab xde pelopor lagi kot? Sape2 yang terbace nih, kalau nak jadi pelopor boleh..tapi nanti pe2 jangan plak libatkan aku. Aku xmo share dose ngan korang. Multi-Purpose Labeling nih dilekatkan kat botol minuman, tak kisah laa mineral/berkarbonat. Label asal perlu ditanggalkan, pastu masu scanner dan scan. Bukak imej tadi dengan mane2 pics application editing software (aku pakai photoshop). Kat dalam application tuh, korang padam laa details2 die, slalunye kat part ingredient tuh. Selepas tuh, masukkan laa nota yang korang nak tuh kat part ingredient tadi. Then da siap, print atas glossy paper dan gamkan semula kat botol tadi. WALLA..siap da!

Sebenarnye banyak lagi, tapi yang nih antara paling popular di kalangan student. Nanti kalau ade care peniruan yang lagi advance dan pelik, nest exam aku share. XD

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Wednesday, 21 April 2010 0 comments

Internet UMP memang BEST! tu first impression aku bile balik UMP nih bile on internet. Memang x pelik laa kalau ade org cakap internet UMP nih terbaek antara sume IPTA kat Malaysia. Sape2 yang bukan student UMP, nak rase speed internet UMP nih..datang la. Inform aku awal2..huhu~ MAse aku balik aritu ingat xnk da teroskan XTREME Sharing Site aku. Tapi lepas tengok speed internet yang cun, semangat tuh datang balik. Semester ni aku pakai desktop sebagai server XTREME Sharing Site aku ni. Kalau pakai laptop macam dulu, selang 3 jam mesti hang. Sape2 yang tengah donlot mesti tekanan, pastu dan2 aku tengah wat assignment...hang plak. Memang lagi tertekan laa aku. Harap2 pakai desktop nih da x hang laa macam mase kau pakai laptop dulu tuh. =)

Sape2 yang x tau address XTREME Sharing Site aku..korang blh masuk through address ni Xtreme Sharing Site nih hanya boleh di-akses oleh student UMP je. Kalau korang nak akses boleh gak, xde masalah..cume kne datag UMP laa, pakai internet UMP. huhu~ Kat sini gak aku nak inform mane2 student UMP nak suruh aku share/sedot ape2, paste url files tu kat comment box bawah post nih. Kalau korang bagi url, senang sket aku nak sedotkan (download) utk korang. Nak bagi title saje pon boleh, tapi makan mase sket laa utk aku cari. Mende2 yang korang nak aku sedot tu, aku akan cube utk sedot. Kalau lambat or x dapat harap maaf ye. Stendet laa student kan? Memang laa busy..huhu

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Monday, 4 January 2010 16 comments

A smiley or happy face (☺/☻), is a stylized representation of a smiling human face, commonly represented as a yellow (many other colors are also used) circle (or sphere) with two black dots representing eyes and a black half circle representing the mouth. “Smiley” is also sometimes used as a generic term for any emoticon. :)
The variant spelling "smilie" is not as common, but the plural form "smilies" (the plural of "smily", not "smiley") is commonly used.

Here is some smiley you can see in real world. ENJOY!

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Monday, 28 December 2009 0 comments

As we now, Mafia Wars now becoming popular. Everyone that have playing this game, sure tried to get the highest level. To get the highest level, it is actually very easy. You just need to know its Tricks, Tips And Cheats. Here i will list some of the Tricks, Tips And Cheats that i got through experience, forums and internet.

Keep attack and defense equal.
But focus on energy at lower levels, so you can level quickly.

Try to not focus on cash and experiences.
The important is energy, and this energy you will get it back when you gain the next level.

Get mafia mikes every two levels.
The rest of your mafia should have and using .50 caliber rifles.

Get armour body protection.
You should get armor body protection for all of your gang members. It will give extra protection when you fight.

Quit killing people off the hit list.
You will die quickly, so please off the radar.

Maximum amount you can loot from someone is 70,000.
So you need to attack again and again to make sure you got the highest rewards.

Then below all the looted items and weapons in Mafia Wars secret that i want to share with you all. But you all need remember that you may not get the item the first time around. You might need to do the job again but you will eventually get the listed items by completing the jobs associated with the items.

Beat Up Rival Gangster (1e) = .22 Pistol (2A 0D)
Collect Protection Money (2e) = Butterfly Knife (2A 1D)
Rough Up Dealers (2e) = Brass Knuckles (2A 2D)
Rob a Pimp (3e) = .9mm Semi-Automatic (3A 2D)
Take Out a Rogue Cop (3e) = .45 Revolver (3A 2D)
Perform a Hit (3e) = Tactical Shotgun (3A 2D)
Destroy Enemy Mon Hideout (5e) = C-4 (5A 2D)
Kill a Protected Snitch (5e) = Stab-Proof Vest (2A 5D)
Bust a Made Man Out of Prison (5e) = Automatic Rifle (4A 4D)
Fight a Haitian Gang (6e) = Semi-Automatic Shotgun (5A 4D)
Smuggle Across The Border (7e) = Armored Truck (4A 8D)
Repel the Yakuza (13e) = Grenade Launcher (14A 10D)
Disrupt rival smuggling ring (15e) = 50 .50 Caliber Rifle (16A 11D)
Invade Tong-controlled Neighborhood (25e) = Armored Car (14A 15D)
Sell Guns To The Russian Mob (25e) = RPG Launcher (20A 12D)
Protect your City against a Rival Family (35e) = Bodyguards (8A 25D)
Assassinate a Political Figure (35e) = Night Vision Goggles (5A 16D)
Exterminate a Rival Family (40e) = Napalm Attack (25A 9D)


Posted by xtreme_paranoid 26 comments

Skang nih aku da kembali ke UMP. Lame gak aku cuti kali nih, sebulan lebih. Dulu mase diploma kat KL x penah aku rase cuti panjang-lame-gile cam nih. Dulu paling lame pon 3 minggu je, pastu start semester baru. Kalau cuti sem sekejap memang x enjoy laa kan? Xde mende sangat yg boleh buat. Tapi cuti sem lepas banyak gak mende yang aku lalui. Aku rase x payah laa aku wat karangan panjang2, cukup kalau aku list je kan? Nih antaranya :

-Balik kampung tiap2 hari. Teman nenek aku, sian die sorang2
-Masuk futsal tournament, and got second place..huhu~
-Muvee rally, abes cuti pon x abes lg ni.
-Maintenance PC customer..mcm2 probs
-ONLINE 24/7. My hobby kot..
-Banyak lagi laa..malas nak list satu2.

Skang aku dalam smester kedua kat UMP nih. Semester lepas Alhamdulillah aku dapat capai target aku, aku dapat 3.00++. Sem nih aku target above 3.1, tinggi sket dari target sem lepas. Nak target tinggi2, takot x dapat plak sebab sem nih subjek lagi tough2. Pastu sem nih aku rase xmo da tangguh2 wat assignment. Seksa woo wat assignment last minit, mau kejang+koma otak. Aku rase sejak dari primary skool habit aku suke tangguh2 nih..ntah camne nak bagi hilang. Korang ade suggestion x camne nak hilang habit tangguh2 nih? huhu~

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Sunday, 27 December 2009 0 comments

Salam. Memula skali aku start posting kat blog baru aku nih dengan BISMILLAH. Blog yang korang tengah tengok ni sebenarnye blog ke-lima aku kalau x silap laa. Sebelum nih banyak dah blog yang aku buat, tapi macam2 masalah timbul. Web hosting probs, sponsor MIA, lupe password, hilang minat..macam2 lagi laa. Tapi hari ni tetibe terbukak lak hati nak buat semula blog. Maybe sebab aku banyak sangat mase free skang ni kot? free yang dibuat-buat walaupon assignment dah bertimbon? huhu~

Setakat ni aku x tau lagi tujuan utama blog nih. Maybe Blog Lucah Hentai? Blog Hiburan? Blog Syok-Sendiri? Ataupon mungkin juga Blog Picisan? huhu.. Korang nanti tengok je laa aper content sebenar blog nih. Dalam kotak fikiran aku da ade beberapa idea yang mungkin sesuai, dan juga mungkin x sesuai. Nak kene filter dulu idea-idea nih, kang x pasal2 je blog ni jadi Blog-Yang-Mati-Tanpa-Update tanpa aku sendiri sedar.

Ni pon 1st entry kat blog nih, xde ape2 dah aku rase. Aku rase sampai sini je kot, klu ade ape2, bloh post kat comment box ataupon kotak jerit2[shoutbox] kat sidebar sebelah ni. SALAM

Posted by xtreme_paranoid Wednesday, 2 December 2009 0 comments

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